Useful Resources Life Sciences


On this page you will find useful resources about your life plan, application, starting a job and much more. 

Check back from time to time, as there are always new entries.

Dress Code Job Interview

Here is an interview with Imagecoach Dr. Theresa Rühl on dresscode rules during job interviews.

Dresscode Rules

Video for Young Professionals in the area of Life Sciences

Here is a useful video for young professional in the area of Life Sciences.

It was kindly made available to us

by Carefor GmbH.

“Living Concrete”

Scientists at the University of Colorado Boulder developed “living concrete”, a new building substance made of bacteria that can potentially repair itself.

Brochure “Career in Chemistry”

Here is a very interesting brochure about companies in the Rhineland chemical industry and the students/graduates of the degree programmes that are being sought. A fascinating list that shows that not only chemistry students work in the chemical industry.

We thank the Arbeitgeberverband Chemie Rheinland e.V. for the kind permission to present this brochure here.

You can download the brochure here: Career in Chemistry

Salary Negotiations - Tips

Dirk shares some slides from an event on negotiation held at several German and English Universities.

Salary Negotiations – Tips

The right attitude for the job interview

In this article Dirk describes what a difference the right attitude makes to a job interview and how we can create it within ourselves.

The right attitude for the job interview

If you want to find your dream job, find yourself first!

This is a fascinating article by Dr. Theresa Rühl about the value of inner clarity when it comes to finding our dream job.

If you want to find your dream job, find yourself first!

How do I find the right employer after university?

Is there a “right” employer and if so, how do I find one? In this article, Dr. Theresa Rühl gives very helpful and useful tips to find the “right” employer for us.

How do I find the right employer after university?

Job Application Tips

These are the slides from the seminar on application tips from the Construction Industry Career Day on 5 June 2019 in Wuppertal.

Presentation Job Application Tips

Emotional Intelligence As Your Competitive Advantage

These are the slides from Dirk’s talk at Catalyst Top Talent Romania conference on 23rd November 2018. 

Presentation “Emotional Intelligence As Your Competitive Advantage”