Individual coaching – Who are the right contacts?
- You would like to climb the scientific career ladder and are looking for a promising strategy? Prof. Dr. Annette Kolb will help you in a personal coaching session!
- Are you wondering whether you should pursue a career in science or whether you should switch to the business world? You can answer this question in a personal coaching session with Dr. Theresa Rühl!
- You would like to start a career in business and would like to prepare yourself as well as possible for this as a career starter? Personal coaching with Dirk Bansch will bring you closer to the next career stage!
Prof. Dr. Annette Kolb
Career Coach
Prof. Dr. Annette Kolb has a doctorate in biology. After completing her doctorate at the University of Bielefeld, she spent a year at James Cook University in Townsville, Australia, with her own DFG project. Upon her return at the end of 2002, she takes up a junior professorship in animal phylogeny and systematics at Goethe University Frankfurt.
In 2009, Prof. Kolb is appointed to a W2 professorship in the same subject area for 5 years.
In 2014 Prof. Kolb leaves the Goethe University and becomes self-employed in the field of science coaching. The focus of her work is on training in core competencies for an academic career as well as individual career counselling.
Prof. Kolb is a certified systemic coach and works throughout Germany.
Since October 2015, Kolb has also been working in the Science Coordination Unit of the Senckenberg Society for Natural Research, where she is mainly responsible for supporting the acquisition of external funding and career advice for young scientists.
info (at)

Dr. Theresa Rühl
Vocation Coach
Dr. Theresa Rühl studied environmental and resource management at JLU Giessen. As a young scientist with two children, she experienced first-hand the very special challenges that have to be mastered in a scientific career.
Both for a scientific career and for leaving science, a strong personality is required to be able to cope with these high demands. The importance of soft skills such as a healthy self-confidence, clarity about one’s own goals and a confident way of dealing with other people is often underestimated.
Since 2015, Dr. Theresa Rühl has been working at exactly this point to help professionally competent people achieve clarity and success in life as a certified personal image coach and vocation coach.
theresa.ruehl (at)
Dirk Bansch
Change Coach
Dirk Bansch studied European Business (BWL) in Germany and England, worked in several countries after his studies and has been active in business and personal development for over 15 years.
Mr Bansch is an internationally experienced management trainer and coach. He holds seminars and speeches in Europe, the USA, Australia and the Middle East. He has also supported mentoring programmes at universities/colleges in Germany, Great Britain and France.
His seminars and coaching sessions are designed to give participants a higher degree of flexibility, personal responsibility and more self-confidence.
Certified NLP Trainer
Certified EQ-i 2.0 Emotionaler Intelligenz Coach and Trainer
Certified TMSDI Team Management Profile Coach
dirk.bansch (at)