Career Days in Corona-Times

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed all areas of private and public life. Nevertheless, it is important that students and companies can meet and make plans for the future. This bridge between companies and students is usually built on career days, which are successfully organised by the Arbeitskreis Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft e.V. in the fields of construction and life sciences.

After intensive discussions with universities, exhibitors and the operators of the event venues, the AkWW responded to the request to hold all career days 2020 online, as the uncertain health policy situation prevents a responsible implementation of the attendance career days.

A test run of the virtual career days took place in June, when the AkWW successfully organised an online career day construction industry with universities and exhibitors in the Berlin/Brandenburg area.

Representatives* of eleven companies and over 120 students from the construction industry met in a virtual room for 15-minute one-on-one interviews. The students had the opportunity to get to know interesting employers and to learn more about the companies without obligation. The feedback on this online career day was very positive, both from exhibitors and students.

Further online career days will be held this year in the construction industry and life sciences:

Online Career Days Civil Engineering: 2/3 December 2020

Online Career Days Life Sciences: 18/19 November 2020

During these online career days, students can register for 15-minute video chats with the companies. These video chats are conducted directly via the AkWW website without the need for the interlocutors to install new software.

The AkWW assumes that these online career days are a valuable alternative and supplement to the attendance career days and will be held in 2021 in addition to the planned career days.